Install GitLab App for

Generate Personal Access Token

To allow to create issues on GitLab, you will need to generate a Personal Access Token. To do so, log into GitLab, click your profile photo in the top right corner, and select Preferences. On the Preferences page click the Access Tokens menu item:

GitLab Tokens Page

Input a token name, expiration date, and check the api checkbox. Click the Create personal access token button and copy the generated token.

Install the GitLab App on

Log into and go to the log settings. Click the Apps tab. Locate the GitLab app and click the Install button:

Install GitLab App

Paste the token copied in the previous step into the Token textbox. In the Project textbox, input the ID or name of the project you want issues created on. If you are self-hosting GitLab, input your custom URL in the URL textbox (for example

Click the Test button and observe it turn green. When clicking Save, the app is added to your log. When new errors are logged, issues are automatically created in the configured GitLab project.

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